Senior Dog - Small & Toy / غذاء للكلاب متفدمة السن من السلالة صغيرة الحجم

Senior Dog - Small & Toy

When your dog gets older, their needs change. VETERINARY HPM® responds to your mature small breed dog’s specific needs.

عندما يتقدم كلبك فى العمر ، تتغير احتياجاته. يستجيب ®VETERINARY HPM للاحتياجات المحددة لكلبك الصغير الناضج

  • For small breed dogs (<10kg) over 10 years old
  • For miniature breed dogs (< 5kg) over 12 years old
  • Limits the risk of excessive weight gain
  • Limits tartar formation for good oral and dental health 
  • Maintains healthy renal function and urinary system
  • Joint & muscle support
  • Immune support
  • Skin & coat support
  • High digestive tolerance
  • Low-allergen formulation
  • Low glycaemic index


للكلاب الصغيرة (أقل من 10 كجم) فوق 10 سنوات

لكلاب السلالات الصغيرة (أقل من 5 كجم) فوق 12 عامًا

الحد من مخاطر زيادة الوزن المفرطة

للحد من تكون الجير وتحسين صحة الفم والأسنان

يحافظ على صحة وظائف الكلى والجهاز البولي

Available sizes:

  • 1,5 kg
  • 3 kg
  • 7 kg
Nutrition for carnivores

Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph

32 % High in protein of which84 % Animal protein
29 % Low in carbohydrates


Dehydrated pork and poultry proteins, Rice (min. 4%), Hydrolysed pork and poultry proteins, Faba bean hulls, Lignocellulose, Peas, Animal fats, Potato starch (min. 4%), Minerals, Linseed, Beet pulp, Fish oil, Psyllium fibre (Plantago (L.) spp.), Fructooligosaccharides, Brewers yeast (source of betaglucan), Hydrolysed crustacean (source of chitosan), Lactobacillus acidophilus, Chondroitin sulphate.

VETERINARY HPM® does not contain any artificial colours or flavours.

Analytical constituents:
(% as fed)

Analytical constituents 
(% as fed)
Moisture 9%
Protein 32%
Animal to vegetable protein ratio  84/16
Fat 14%
Minerals 6.5%
Crude Fibre 9.5%
NFE* 29%
Starch 22%
Calcium 1.1%
Phosphorus 0.7%
Sodium 0.4%
Omega-6 2.2%
Omega-3 0.9%
ME** calculated 327 kcal/100g
ME** measured in vivo 332 kcal/100g
* Nitrogen Free Extract: Carbohydrates
** Metabolisable energy
Functional ingredients 
Bentonite 5 g/kg
Killed Lactobacilli 7 mg/kg
L-carnitine 330 mg/kg
Pentasodium triphosphate 0.35%
Chondroitin sulfate 430 mg/kg
Chitosan 430 mg/kg
Vitamins and trace elements
Vitamin A 11 000 IU/kg
Vitamin D3 1 100 IU/kg
Vitamin E 570 mg/kg
Vitamin B1 3.8 mg/kg
Vitamin B2 11 mg/kg
Vitamin B3 30 mg/kg
Vitamine B5 26 mg/kg
Vitamine B6 3 mg/kg
Vitamin B9 0.48 mg/kg
Vitamin B12 0.062 mg/kg
Choline 740 mg/kg
Taurine 1 500 mg/kg
Copper 15 mg/kg
Iron 25 mg/kg
Iodine 1.1 mg/kg
Zinc 120 mg/kg
Daily Feed and Ingredients
It is advisable to follow the ration table and make fresh water available.


Weight of the dog (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
Sedentary Active Very Active
1 40 45 45
2 60 70 75
3 80 90 100
4 95 110 120
5 115 125 140
6 130 140 155
7 140 155 175
8 155 170 190
9 165 185 205
10 180 200 220

* These amounts are approximate and may vary depending on the breed of dog and activity levels. For further information, please consult your vet or vet nurse.

Frequently Asked Questions
Complementary products