Health benefits
المزايا الصحية :
دعم وظائف الكلى في حالة القصور الكلوي المزمن
الحد من فقدان كتلة العضلات
الحد من نقص التغذية: كثافة طاقة عالية واستساغة عالية (بروتينات حيوانية)
الحد من فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية
Available sizes:
Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph
Rice, dehydrated pork and poultry proteins*, animal fats, peas, potato starch, faba bean hulls, minerals, hydrolysed pork and poultry proteins*, lignocellulose, linseed, beet pulp, fish oil, fructooligosaccharides, brewers yeast, hydrolysed crustacean (source of chitosan), Lactobacillus acidophilus, chondroitin sulfate.
*protein sources
VETERINARY HPM® contains no artificial flavours or colours.
Analytical Constituents (% as fed) |
Moisture | 9% |
Protein | 20.5% |
Animal to vegetable protein ratio | 70/30 |
Fat | 22% |
Minerals | 5.5% |
Crude Fibre | 5.5% |
NFE* | 37.5% |
Starch | 30% |
Calcium | 0.8% |
Phosphorus | 0.4% |
Sodium | 0.3% |
Omega-6 | 2.7% |
Omega-3 | 1% |
Potassium | 0.8% |
EPA + DHA | 0.4% |
ME** calculated | 391 kcal/100g |
ME** measured in vivo | 395 kcal/100g |
* Nitrogen Free Extract: Carbohydrates ** Metabolisable energy |
Functional Ingredients | |
Bentonite | 5 g/kg |
Killed Lactobacilli | 7 mg/kg |
Calcium carbonate | 1% |
L-carnitine | 330 mg/kg |
Chitosan | 800 mg/kg |
Vitamin E | 570 mg/kg |
Vitamins & trace elements | |
Vitamin A | 11 000 IU/kg |
Vitamin D3 | 1 100 IU/kg |
Vitamin E | 570 mg/kg |
Vitamin B1 | 3.8 mg/kg |
Vitamin B2 | 11 mg/kg |
Vitamin B3 | 30 mg/kg |
Vitamin B5 | 26 mg/kg |
Vitamin B6 | 3 mg/kg |
Vitamin B9 | 0.48 mg/kg |
Vitamin B12 | 0.062 mg/kg |
Choline | 740 mg/kg |
Taurine | 1 500 mg/kg |
Copper | 15 mg/kg |
Iodine | 1.1 mg/kg |
Zinc | 120 mg/kg |
It is advisable to follow the ration table and to provide fresh drinking water.
Body Weight (kg) | Daily Ration (g/day) | ||
Overweight | Normal* | Underweight | |
5 | 75 | 85 | 100 |
8 | 100 | 115 | 140 |
10 | 120 | 135 | 160 |
15 | 155 | 175 | 210 |
20 | 190 | 210 | 255 |
25 | 220 | 245 | 295 |
30 | 245 | 280 | 335 |
40 | 300 | 335 | 405 |
60 | 390 | 440 | 530 |
*Senior dog with optimal body weight and normal physical activity The daily ration is based on the dog’s CURRENT bodyweight, and must be adjusted every month. |