غذاء للقطط الصغيرة قبل التعقيم

Baby Pre Neutered cat

Kittens have strict requirements for healthy growth, especially in terms of energy, protein and minerals. They have a delicate digestive system and an immature immune system. VETERINARY HPM® responds to these specific needs.

" القطط الصغيرة لديها احتياجات محددة للنمو الصحي ، خاصة من حيث الطاقة والبروتينات والمعادن حيث لديهم جهاز هضمي دقيق وجهاز مناعة غير ناضج. يوفر ® VETERINARY HPM هذه الاحتياجات المحددة لقططك الصغيرة"

  • For kittens, from weaning up to neutering or up to 12 months old if not neutered
  • Pregnant/ lactating cats
  • Covers the energy requirements for healthy growth 
  • Helps to support the immune system, improving vaccine response and natural defences 
  • Dental tartar control

للقطط الصغيرة التى لم يتم تعقيمها  من الفطام حتى عمر 12 شهرًا "
القطط الحامل / المرضعة
يوفر احتياجات النمو المكثف والسريع"
تعزيز  المناعة لتحسين الاستجابة للقاح وزيادة مستوى مقاومة الأمراض"

Available sizes:

  • 0,4 kg
  • 1,5 kg
  • 3 kg
Nutrition for carnivores

Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph

45 % High in protein of which92 % Animal protein
17 % Low in carbohydrates


Dehydrated pork and poultry proteins, Animal fats, Potato starch (min. 4%), Hydrolysed pork and poultry proteins, Peas, Rice (min. 4%), Minerals, Faba bean hulls, Beet pulp, Lignocellulose, Brewers yeast, Linseed, Fish oil, Psyllium fibre (Plantago (L.) spp.), Fructo-oligosaccharides, Hydrolysed crustacean (source of chitosan), Chondroitin sulphate, Lactobacillus acidophilus. 

Veterinary HPM® contains no artificial flavours or colours.

Analytical constituents:
(% as fed)

Analytical constituents 
(% as fed)
Moisture 5.5%
Protein 45 %
Animal to vegetable protein ratio  92/08
Fat 20%
Minerals 8.5%
Crude Fibre 4%
NFE* 17%
Starch 13.5%
Calcium 1.3%
Phosphorus 1.1%
Sodium 0.7%
Omega-6 3.3%
Omega-3 1%
ME** calculated 412 kcal/100g
ME** measured in vivo 430 kcal/100g
* Nitrogen Free Extract: Carbohydrates
** Metabolisable energy
Functional ingredients
Beta glucan 500 mg/kg
Bentonite 5 g/kg
Killed lactobacilli 7 mg/kg
L-carnitine 540 mg/kg
Pentasodium triphosphate  0.35%
Chitosan 800 mg/kg
Vitamins and trace elements
Vitamin A 17 000 IU/kg
Vitamin D3 1 700 IU/kg
Vitamin E 610 mg/kg
Vitamin K3 0.22 mg/kg
Vitamin B1 11.2 mg/kg
Vitamin B2 8 mg/kg
Vitamin B3 113.4 mg/kg
Vitamin B5 14.5 mg/kg
Vitamin B6 7.6 mg/kg
Vitamin B8 0.15 mg/kg
Vitamin B9 1.9 mg/kg
Vitamin B12 0.046 mg/kg
Choline 1 760 mg/kg
Taurine 2 460 mg/kg
Copper 12 mg/kg
Iodine 0.4 mg/kg
Zinc 110 mg/kg
Daily ration

It is advisable to follow the ration table and make fresh water available.


Weight of the cat (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
3 - 5 months 6 - 8 months 9 - 12 months
0.5 15    
1 30 25  
1.5 45 35 25
2 60 45 35
3 85 70 50
4 115 95 70
5   115 85
6     105
7     120
8     140

* These amounts are indicative and may vary depending on the breed and activity level of the kitten. Before 3 months old, give the food ad lib. For further information, please consult your vet or vet nurse.



Weight of the cat (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
1st month of pregnancy 2nd month of pregnancy
2 30 45
3 45 70
4 60 95
5 75 115
6 85 140
7 100 165
8 115 185
9 130 210
10 145 235

** During the breeding period, switch over from ADULT CAT with SALMON to BABY CAT as soon as the queen comes on heat.
During gestation, the weight is the one at the beginning of gestation.
During lactation, the weight is the lactating queen’s real weight. During lactation, the queen may be fed ad lib.

Frequently Asked Questions
Complementary products