Baby Dog - Large & Medium / غذاء للكلاب من السلالات الكبيرة و المتوسطة الحجم

Baby Dog - Large & Medium

Growth is a critical time for puppies of large and medium-sized breeds, and their energy, protein and minerals requirements are significant. They have a delicate digestive system and an immature immune system.

في بداية النمو ، يكون لدى الجراء من السلالات الكبيرة والمتوسطة متطلبات غذائية مكثفة لضمان نمو صحي للعظام ، خاصة للطاقة والبروتينات والمعادن.كما يكون لديهم جهاز هضمي دقيق وجهاز مناعة غير ناضج. يستجيب ®VETERINARY HPM للاحتياجات المحددة لجرو السلالة الكبيرة أو المتوسطة

  • For medium breed puppies (adult weight 10-25kg), up to 6 months old. 
  • For large breed puppies (adult weight >25kg), up to 7 months old. 
  • Pregnant/Lactating Medium & Large Dog 
  • Joint & bone support
  • Immune support
  • High digestive tolerance
  • Skin & coat support
  • Low-allergen formulation


للجراء متوسطة الحجم (وزن البالغ 11-25 كجم) ، حتى عمر 6 أشهر

بالنسبة للجراء الكبيرة (وزن البالغ> 25 كجم) ، حتى سن 7 أشهر

للكلاب الحامل / المرضعات من السلالة متوسطة وكبيرة الحجم

Available sizes:

  • 3 kg
  • 7 kg
  • 12 kg
Nutrition for Carnivores

Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph

35 % High in protein of which89 % Animal protein
23.5 % Low in carbohydrate


Dehydrated pork and poultry proteins, Rice (min. 4%), Animal fats, Peas, Potato starch (min. 4%), Hydrolysed pork and poultry proteins, Lignocellulose, Minerals, Faba bean hulls, Beet pulp, Linseed, Fish oil, Brewers yeast, Psyllium fibre (Plantago (L.) spp.), Fructo-oligosaccharides, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Chondroitin sulphate.

VETERINARY HPM® contains no artificial colours or flavours.

Analytical constituents:
(% as fed)

Analytical Constituents
(% as fed)

Moisture 9%
Protein 35%
Animal to vegetable protein ratio  89/11
Fat 21%
Minerals 7.5%
Crude Fibre 4%
NFE* 23.5%
Starch 19%
Calcium 1.2%
Phosphorus 1%
Omega-6 2.5%
Omega-3 1%
ME** calculated 396 kcal/100g
ME** measured in vivo 396 kcal/100g
* Nitrogen Free Extract: carbohydrates
** Metabolisable energy
Functional Ingredients 
Bentonite 5g/kg
Betaglucan 500 mg/kg
Killed Lactobacilli 7 mg/kg
L-carnitine 330 mg/kg
Vitamins & trace elements 
Vitamin A 11 000 IU/kg
Vitamin D3 1 100 IU/kg
Vitamin E 140 mg/kg
Vitamin B1 3.8 mg/kg
Vitamin B2 11 mg/kg
Vitamin B3 30 mg/kg
Vitamin B5 26 mg/kg
Vitamin B6 3 mg/kg
Vitamin B9 0.48 mg/kg
Vitamin B12 0.062 mg/kg
Choline 740 mg/kg
Taurine 1 500 mg/kg
Copper 15 mg/kg
Iron 25 mg/kg
Iodine 1.1 mg/kg
Zinc 120 mg/kg
Daily ration

It is advisable to followthe ration table and to provide drinking water. 

Medium Breed Puppy (Adult Weight 10-25 kg)  

Body weight (kg) Daily ration (g/day)*
Age (month)
4 200 175  
5 230 200  
6 260 230 195
8 315 275 235
10 365 320 275
12     310
15     360

Large Breed Puppy (Adult Weight >25 kg)

Body weight (kg) Daily ration (g/day)*
Age (month)
  2-3 4-5 6
5 230    
6 260    
7 290    
8 315    
10 365 320  
12 415 360  
15 480 420 360
20 580 510 435
25   590 505
30   665 570
35   740 635
40   805 690

Pregnant/Lactating Medium Dog** 

Body weight (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
Gestation Lactation
  S1-S5 S6-S7 S8-S9  
11 195 215 295 585
12 205 225 310 620
14 230 250 345 685
15 240 265 360 720
16 250 275 375 750
18 270 300 405 810
20 290 320 435 870
22 310 340 465 930
24 330 360 490 985

Pregnant/Lactating Large Dog** 

Body weight (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
Gestation Lactation
  S1-S5 S6-S7 S8-S9  
25 335 370 505 1 010
30 380 420 570 1 140
35 420 465 635 1 265
40 460 505 690 1 385
45 500 550 750 1 495
50 535 590 805 1 605
60 605 665 905 1 815
70 670 735 1 005 2 010

* These amounts are approximate and may vary depending on the breed and activity level of the puppy. For further information, please consult your vet or vet nurse.

** During gestation, the weight is the one at the beginning of gestation. During lactation, the weight is the lactating bitch’s real weight. During lactation, the bitch may be fed ad lib.

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