غذاء للقطط البالغة العقيمة

Adult Neutered Cat

Adult Neutered Cat is specially formulated for neutered cats from 12 months of age, who are predisposed to weight gain. VETERINARY HPM® responds to your neutered cat’s specific needs.

" تم تصميم غذاء القطط البالغة العقيمة خصيصا للقطط التى تم تعقيمها و التى تميل لزيادة الوزن للاستخدام من عمر 12 شهرًا ، يوفر ®VETERINARY HPM الاحتياجات الخاصة لقطتك العقيمة."

  • Body weight control: low energy content to limit the calorie intake
  • Urinary health: water intake stimulation, increases the volume of urine and helps stabilise the pH
  • Healthy renal function: high level of protein to effective water turnover

للحفاظ على  وزن الجسم
لصحة الجهاز البولى"
لوظائف كلى صحية  

Available sizes:

  • 1,5 kg
  • 3 kg
  • 7 kg
Nutrition for carnivores

Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph

44 % High in protein of which90 % Animal protein
20.5 % Low in carbohydrate


Dehydrated pork and poultry proteins, Lignocellulose, Potato starch (min. 4%), Hydrolysed pork and poultry proteins, Animal fats, Rice (min. 4%), Peas, Minerals, Faba bean hulls, Linseed, Beet pulp, Brewers yeast, Psyllium fibre (Plantago (L.) spp.), Fructo-oligosaccharides, Hydrolysed crustacean (source of chitosan), Chondroitin sulphate, Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Veterinary HPM® contains no artificial colours or flavours.

Analytical constituents:
(% as fed)

Analytical Constituents
(% as fed)
Moisture 5.5%
Protein 44%
Animal to vegetable protein ratio  90/10
Fat 13.5%
Minerals 8.5%
Crude Fibre 10.5%
NFE* 18%
Starch 11.5%
Calcium 1.3%
Phosphorus 1.1%
Sodium 0.7%
Omega-6 2.4%
Omega-3 0.8%
ME** calculated 352 kcal/100g
ME** measured in vivo 342 kcal/100g
* Nitrogen Free Extract: Carbohydrates
** Metabolisable energy
Functional Ingredients 
Bentonite 5 g/kg
Killed Lactobacilli 7 mg/kg
L-carnitine 540 mg/kg
Pentasodium triphosphate 0.35%
Chitosan 800 mg/kg
Vitamins and trace minerals
Vitamin A 17 000 IU/kg
Vitamin D3 1 700 IU/kg
Vitamin E 610 mg/kg
Vitamin K3 0.22 mg/kg
Vitamin B1 11.2 mg/kg
Vitamin B2 8 mg/kg
Vitamin B3 113.4 mg/kg
Vitamin B5 14.5 mg/kg
Vitamin B6 7.6 mg/kg
Vitamin B8 0.15 mg/kg
Vitamin B9 1.9  mg/kg
Vitamin B12 0.046 mg/kg
Choline 1 760 mg/kg
Taurine 2 460 mg/kg
Copper 12 mg/kg
Iodine 0.4 mg/kg
Zinc 110 mg/kg
Daily ration

It is advisable to follow the ration table and make fresh water available.

Body weight (kg) Daily Ration (g/day)*
Indoor exclusively Indoor & Outdoor
2 25 25
3 35 40
4 45 55
5 60 65
6 70 80
7 85 90
8 95 105
9 105 120
10 120 130

* These amounts are indicative and may vary depending on the breed of cat. For further information, please consult your vet or vet nurse.

Frequently Asked Questions
Complementary products