

Part of a streamlined range of vaccines with a straightforward protocol to provide excellent protection against core feline diseases

  • Cat

Leucogen® is the World’s first recombinant subunit vaccine containing purified p45 FeLV-envelope antigen identified as the most important antigen for stimulating immunity to FeLV.

اللقاح الأول عالميا الذى يحتوى على  p45 FeLV-envelope antigen لتحفيز المناعة ضد سرطان الدم فى القطط

Product Features & Benefits: 

  • Provides targeted effective antigenic challenge 

  • 3 year duration of immunity

  • Proven efficacy and safety2,3

  • Recombinant subunit FeLV vaccine

  • Protects against all 3 subgroups of FeLV

Presentations Available: 

Available in 10 or 50 doses.