Ears & Skin Care

EASOTIC® (hydrocortisone aceponate, miconazole nitrate, gentamicin sulfate) Otic Suspension for Dogs

Effective. Innovative. Easy. Proven results for the treatment of canine otitis externa, harnessing the potency of hydrocortisone aceponate (HCA), the broad-spectrum efficacy of gentamicin, and the consistent results of miconazole.

  • Dog

Access the EASOTIC Page for Veterinary Professionals

  • Delivers potent active ingredients, with low risk of systemic side effects.
  • Unique antiinflamatory: HCA is a new-generation di-ester steroid having a strongly positive benefit/risk ratio.
  • Contains proven antimicrobial and antifungal agents.
  • Features an ergonomically designed applicator that makes administration less frustrating and enhances client compliance.
  • Shown to provide rapid and sustained treatment of otitis externa with 5 once-daily doses. 

 يحتوى على مواد فعالة و قوية منخفضة الاثار الجانبية

مضاد التهاب فريد من نوعه له اثار ايجابية كثيرة مقارنة بأى أثار جانبية

يحتوي على مواد  مضادة للميكروبات ومضادة للفطريات

سهل الاستخدام 

مثبت فعاليته لتوفير العلاج السريع والمستمر لالتهاب الأذن الخارجية مع 5 جرعات مرة واحدة يوميا 

Download the Product Insert

Important Safety Information for EASOTIC® (hydrocortisone aceponate, miconazole nitrate, gentamicin sulfate) Otic Suspension for Dogs: Contraindicated in dogs with known or suspected hypersensitivity to corticosteroids, imidazole antifungals, or aminoglycoside antibiotics. Do not use in dogs with known tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforation. The safe use of EASOTIC® Otic Suspension in dogs used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or in lactating bitches has not been evaluated. For otic (ear) use in dogs only. Do not administer orally. Not for use in humans. Humans with known or suspected hypersensitivity to hydrocortisone, aminoglycoside antibiotics, or azole antifungals should not handle this product. For complete product information, refer to the product insert. To obtain a product insert, contact Veterinary Technical Product Support at 1-800-338-3659, or visit us.virbac.com.