Innovative film-coated tablets for broad spectrum parasitic worm control in cats and dogs.
مضاد ديدان فعال واسع المدى
يتكون من من مواد مجربة وموثوق بها
مبتكر و مستساغ للغاية
قرص صغير بيضاوي الشكل سهل البلع
آمن للاستخدام في القطط و الكلاب
Cats and kittens from 6 weeks of age and weighing at least 0.5kg
The cat formulation is not suitable for use in dogs.
Dogs and puppies from 2 weeks of age and weighing at least 0.5kg
The cat formulation is not suitable for use in dogs.
MILPRO treats and controls all major intestinal worms found in cats and dogs, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm, including hydatids. When used monthly, MILPRO prevents heartworm.
MILPRO has been developed to make dosing easier for the vet, pet owner and pet, to aid in increasing compliance and treatment success. The innovative film-coating is highly palatable, with real liver flavouring, and the tablets are small and ovoid in shape. The tablets may be hidden in food, or accepted from the hand.
Every animal has a different lifestyle and will require tailored worming to suit their needs. MILPRO is available in a range of sizes – from small kittens to large dogs – with scored tablets to ensure accurate dosing.