Fleas, Ticks & Worms


Innovative film-coated tablets for broad spectrum parasitic worm control in cats and dogs.

  • Cat
  • Dog


  • Efficacious, broad spectrum allwormer tablet
  • Proven and trusted active ingredients
  • Highly palatable innovative, liver-flavoured film-coating
  • Small, ovoid tablet shape
  • Safe for use in cats and dogs

مضاد ديدان فعال واسع المدى 

 يتكون من من مواد مجربة وموثوق بها

 مبتكر و مستساغ للغاية

 قرص صغير بيضاوي الشكل سهل  البلع

آمن للاستخدام في القطط و الكلاب


  • Cats and kittens from 6 weeks of age and weighing at least 0.5kg
    The cat formulation is not suitable for use in dogs.

  • Dogs and puppies from 2 weeks of age and weighing at least 0.5kg
    The cat formulation is not suitable for use in dogs.



  • Broad spectrum worm control

    MILPRO treats and controls all major intestinal worms found in cats and dogs, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm, including hydatids. When used monthly, MILPRO prevents heartworm.

  • Innovative film coating and ovoid shape

    MILPRO has been developed to make dosing easier for the vet, pet owner and pet, to aid in increasing compliance and treatment success. The innovative film-coating is highly palatable, with real liver flavouring, and the tablets are small and ovoid in shape. The tablets may be hidden in food, or accepted from the hand.

  • Tailored dosing

    Every animal has a different lifestyle and will require tailored worming to suit their needs. MILPRO is available in a range of sizes – from small kittens to large dogs – with scored tablets to ensure accurate dosing.

Milpro palatable


For Dogs

  • Treats and controls roundworm (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), whipworm (Trichuris vulpis), hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense) and tapeworm infections (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus granulosus).
  • Also prevents heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).

milpro dosage for dogs

  • Adult dogs should be treated every 3 months unless lifestyle factors indicate a tailored treatment protocol.
  • Pregnant bitches should be treated at mating, then 10 days before whelping, then every three months.
  • For whipworm, treat every six to eight weeks after three months of age.
  • In hydatid tapeworm areas, dogs should be dosed every six weeks or on veterinary advice.
  • Pets should not be fed, or allowed to feed on, offal from any species.
  • For heartworm prevention, MILPRO must be administered orally every month, preferably on the same date each month. If you miss the 30-day interval by no more than 7 days, administer MILPRO immediately and resume your monthly dosing schedule. If the interval is longer than 7 days, consult your veterinarian before recommencing MILPRO dosing schedule.

For Cats

  • Treats and controls roundworm (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina), hookworm (Ancylostoma tubaeforme), tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp.) and prevents heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).

milpro dosage for cats

  • Adult cats should be treated every 3 months unless lifestyle factors indicate a tailored treatment protocol.
  • Pregnant queens should be treated at mating, before birth of kittens and then every 3 months.
  • Nursing queens should be treated at the same time as their kittens.


Small Cats & Kittens

  • 10 mg Praziquantel
  • 4 mg Milbemycin Oxime


  • 40 mg Praziquantel
  • 16 mg Milbemycin Oxime

Small Dogs & Puppies

  • 25 mg Praziquantel
  • 2.5 mg Milbemycin Oxime


  • 125 mg Praziquantel
  • 12.5 mg Milbemycin Oxime


  • Animals should be weighed to ensure accurate dosing.
  • MILPRO Tablets should be administered orally, either with or after food.
  • Half tablets may be kept for use in the original blister for up to six months after the first half was used.
  • When administering Milpro Tablets, be certain that the entire dose is consumed. Watch for several minutes following treatment to be sure that the entire dose has been eaten. lf the entire dose is not eaten, redose as soon as possible, with the full dose.
  • Fleas are intermediate hosts for tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum). Effective flea control will reduce the incidence of tapeworm.
  • If worm problems persist, consult a veterinarian.



  • Caution should be taken in the case of concurrent use of the product and other macrocyclic lactones.
  • Studies with milbemycin oxime indicate that the margin of safety in certain dogs of Collie or related breeds is less than in other breeds. In these dogs, the recommended dose should be strictly observed. Clinical signs in Collies are similar to those seen in the general dog population when overdosed.
  • MILPRO, given monthly, may be used for prevention of heartworm infection of dogs.
  • In heartworm risk areas, or in the case of unknown heartworm status, an examination for existing heartworm infection prior to commencement of treatment is recommended. The use in dogs suffering from microfilaremia is not recommended. Consult a veterinarian.
  • The safety of MILPRO in heartworm positive cats has not been established. An examination for existing heartworm infection prior to commencement of treatment is recommended. Consult a veterinarian. 


  • Small Cats & Kittens
  • Cats
  • Small Dogs & Puppies
  • Dogs

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Health care
Protect your pet & family from intestinal worms

Protect your pet & family from intestinal worms

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Intestinal worms in dogs and cats