
Zoletil® 100

Sedative Anaesthetic for Cats and Dogs

  • Cat
  • Deer
  • Dog

  Zoletil® آمن وفعال يستخدم كمسكن أو مهدئ أو للتخدير القصير أو للتخدير العام. يمكن إعطاؤه عن طريق الحقن العضلي أو الوريدي.


Zoletil® 100 is a safe and effective dissociative agent that can be used as a sedative, a tranquiliser, for brief anaesthesia or for general anaesthesia.  It can be given by either intramuscular or intravenous injection.

Zoletil® 100 can be used in a wide variety of species, including both wild and domestic cat and dog species.

Zoletil® 100 can be used for a wide variety of procedures such as X-rays, dressing changes, eye examinations and wound repairs.

Zoletil® 100 comes as a white powder in a sterile bottle containing the active ingredients tiletamine and zolazepam. These are stable and preserved as the dry powder. When dissolved in sterile water the product becomes a solution of 50 mg per ml each of tiletamine HCl and zolazepam HCl. Refrigerate after reconstitution, use within eight days.



• High therapeutic index

• Versatile

• Multi species

• IV and IM dosage

 مؤشر علاجي مرتفع 

 متعدد الاستخدامات 

يستخدم لانواع مختلفة من الحيوانات 

 يمكن استخدامه للحقن فى الوريد أو فى العضل 


• A sterile powder for reconstitution as a solution for injection.

• Once reconstituted each vial contains 5 ml of colourless solution.

• The concentrations of total active ingredients in solution are 50 mg/ml (25 mg/ml tiletamine hydrochloride and 25mg/ml zolazepam hydrochloride).

• Zolazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative which provides muscle relaxation and tranquilisation.

• Tiletamine is a dissociative anaesthetic which provides profound amnesia, deep analgesia and immobilisation.


• Using an aseptic technique, dissolve the Zoletil® sterile powder with the 5 ml of sterile water for injection provided in the diluent vial.

• After injecting water into the vial, mix the contents well and ensure full dissolution prior to use. Contents should be clear and free from any particulate matter.

• Reconstituted solutions should be kept refrigerated at 4°C and used within 8 days.

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